Mix Tape Monday: Best Served Cold


My roommates are constantly amazed (or afraid) of my imperviousness to the summer heat. Yep, I’m one of those crazy people that wears long pants and drinks hot tea on a midsummer day. But just to prove I’m not actually a vampire…..here’s my secret list of chill and slow jams (of all genres) for your listening pleasure. Trust me these artists are way too cool to ever break a sweat. For maximum effect keep chilled and serve over ice.

Zion.T – Eat. Everything about Zion.T pretty much defines cool. The lyrics, the instrumentation, the music video all ooze a clever craftsmanship and class. Figure out why his glasses are cracked you’ll know what I mean. Can’t get enough? I can’t blame you. Listen to Two Melodies, Babay, and Zero Gravity.

Pompeya – 90. Stop standing in front of the open freezer and let the cool dreamy sounds of this song (by Russian indie band Pompeya) wash over you instead. Continue the arctic chill with Slow and Power.

Boy – We Were Here. This Swiss and German duo create some icy ethereal harmonies (complete with poetic lyrics and some sly use of cards) that will transport you to Alpine state of mind. I also adore their track Little Numbers.

MC Solaar – Caroline. Heartbreak should always be served cold and this Senegalese giant rapper delivers with this ill fated love story. “Life is a game of cards, Paris a casino, I play reds…hearts, Caro.” Nouveau Western and his humorous Victime de la Mode are both studies in prowess.

Thornapple – Don’t be deceived by the psychedelic rock intro, this song soon settles into gentle yet haunting lullaby but be ready for more twists and turns! My love for this Korean band knows no bounds try 남극 and …시퍼런 봄.


Any other songs you know that are the definition of cool? Post them below!

Be sure to check out the Mixtape Monday playlist to listen to all the tracks I’ve posted.

Mix Tape Monday: Springtime Daydreams

Hi everyone sorry for the missing post last week! I started my TEFL certification course and I got really busy (lesson plans are hard!). To make up for it I added more tracks than usual to this mix tape.

Spring has finally arrived in Boston! The snow has melted, the birds are singing, squirrels are back to stealing hot dog buns, and I can officially see the grass. In celebration of the new season here is a mix tape of dreamy upbeat tunes to put a spring in your step.

The Radio Dept. – Heaven’s on Fire. This song by Swedish band The Radio Dept. reminds me of looking at dust motes in sunbeams. You know, sparkling and soothing all at once. If you don’t know what I’m talking about just ignore my poetic leanings and listen to You Stopped Making Sense or their album Clinging to a Scheme.

The Fin – Night Time.  Another band whose whole album I love! Japan why must you be so far away from me? I like to think of this as my “staring out the car window as the world passes me by” track. For more of their dreamy tunes try  Without Excuse and Faded Light.

Alpaca Sports – Just for Fun. Spring means cute, fuzzy animals and sweetness. Behold! I have found both in one song. Let’s all go to Sweden and snuggle an alpaca or two (They’re so fluffy I’m gonna die!).

The Pony – Good – Bye. If your daydreams need a little edge try this shoegaze track from Korean group The Pony. Listen to 왼편에서. Want more rock? I also adore their other track Disturbance.

Highasakite – Leaving No Traces.  A Norweigan band with gardens, Adam and Eve, nature sounds, and Victorian poetry references what what more do you need?

Thornapple 쏜애플 – 낯선 열대. This song starts out dreamy and slow like a whisper in your ear and then BAM! It changes pace. I always enjoy listening to this. Listen to Why for more by this Korean band.


What songs scream spring to you? List ’em below!